The Municipal Music Education Programs

The Municipal Music Education Program
"The Municipal Music Education Program” initiative aims to expose students of the regional schools to music, and offer them music lessons at a subsidized cost. With the support of the Kiryat Ono Municipality and the Ministry of Education, a number of primary schools have the benefit of the model. Granted within it are:
Recorder lessons for 3rd grades
Bow instrument lessons for 2nd grades
Musical enrichment programs
The program allows students an initial exposure to music studies, following which students can receive individual private music lessons from the conservatory’s teachers if they so wish.
Subsidized Costs and Registration:
Recorder studies - 200 NIS per year (one lesson per week). Available at Nir, Alumim, Rimonim, Moshe Sharet, Avigdor and Varsha schools.
String instrument studies - 400 NIS per year (two lessons per week). Available at Pisga school - Yaakov Cohen.
Program of Excellence for Wind Instruments
Each school year, 25 students who have demonstrated excellence in recorder playing from any school in which the "The Municipal Music Education Program” takes place, are selected to take part in the special excellence program. The students receive a scholarship from the Kiryat Ono Municipality, and as part of which they will participate in an intensive school day in which a music lesson, a theory lesson and a school orchestra rehearsal will take place. The Excellence Program requires commitment to at least one year of participation, and is offered for the following instruments:
The program takes place every Tuesday, 12:45-16:15, and includes transportation to the conservatory and back to school.
Subsidized Cost and Registration:
Excellence Program - 3,000 NIS per year (one lesson per week). Available at Nir, Alumim, Moshe Sharet, Avigdor and Varsha schools.